From traditional to modern
Acupuncture is not unknown anymore for the people around the world. It attracts people and their interest because of very powerful effect as well as unusual and very interesting philosophical approach. Acupuncture is alternative way of treatment which has only positive effects on organism and unlike modern medicaments it doesn’t have undesirable consequences.
The advantage of acupuncture above other medical disciplines is that the acupuncture looks at whole man, cureing his biggest problem – pain (caused by headache, the sciatica, neuralgia of any nerve), and at the same time it has positive effect on the entire organism, bringing it at the balance. There is not one disease that stands alone, they are always connected with other following symptoms, which are often the main cause of unwell condition. Acupuncture is establishing balance of entire organism disordered by terrible condition.
One of the most important advantages of acupuncture comparing to other medical disciplines is a natural way of treatment without taking any substances, unlike modern ways of treatments with medicaments, surgical way of cutting off, bringing radio-active isotopes, radio-active and x-ray radiation, which are useful, but also potentially dangerous during longer use.
Acupuncture is acknowledged by The World Health Organization as equal medical discipline. To accomplish that acupuncture had to have scientific proof of work: experimental, clinical and laboratory. And acupuncture has it all. It isn’t alternative any more by it's treatment procedure but by effect: it heals and cures many diseases that modern medicine is not able to cure succesfully.
and well-known method of cure
with fragrance of ethereal oils.