Experience of VITALIS shows that for many diseases acupuncture is the only medicament for lasting cure. For curing headache, migraines and cureless asthma, acupuncture is THE MEDICAMENT, because it cures cause instead of symptoms. For allergies the third disease of mankind needles are more effective then any medicament because they stimulate organism to strengthen its own immunity which is the most effective treatment .The biggest trump of acupuncture, different than official medicine, is that acupuncture never separated the natural laws and man, because acupuncture has never neglected nature, the sources of health and resistances in organism. The sources of health are enormous and they just need to be stimulated. Acupuncture does that, and that is why it is the real chance for future of mankind health.
The stories of cured patients are the real sum of that diagnosis and confessions of how they found RESCUE ISLAND.
If someone here successfully cures smoking leg instead to stay without it,to be freed from rheumatism and spondilosis which can make a man almost a cripple, if someone cures diabetes of which consequences man can loose the part of his body, if the entire sick family recovers ,if child stop the night urinating with the help of acupuncture or someone cures corpulence’s, smoking and alcoholism, then it is not exaggerated to tell that the life with acupuncture is life without pain and risk. Acupuncture does enough for life, that it can be considered as a medical past, present and future.
acupuncture as medicament for the third disease of mankind
Modern medicine made progress in cure of allergies. But still cure just symptoms.Acupuncture is more effective because it cures the CAUSE. Strenghtening complete resistance of organism acupuncture help organism to get the fight against the allergies. More important is that acupuncture bring organism in condititon in which he recognize right allergent which often stays cover beside large progress of science.
Allergy cures successful in VITALIS by acupuncture. These method cures the whole cause and assemblage of symptoms without questioning which supstance disturb health. - ASTHMAASTHMA-cure of till now uncure disease
Acupuncture again cures the cause and because of that it is effective from modren medicine. Needles are stimulate creation of supstance prostaglandin which spread bronchiums.
For the difference of modern medicament this is NATURAL MEDICAMENT without any consequences of chemistry.
Cure is in a big percentage. - PIMPLESPIMPLES
Medical aesthetic is one of the most successful activity of VITALIS
The skin is not just ordinary covering in which is place the parts of human organism. The skin is much more: delicate organ and mechanism which in the first place serve as protector against bacterias, viruses and small fungus.
Pimples and dots are not trouble just for average adolescent. If you are disposed to pimples, special before menstruation, it is possible cause of androgen,man’s hormone who make skin smooth and hair shiny.
But when these glands are very active greases make that the cannels in follicle of a hair free their covering too fast and than dead cells of skin start to shut pores on the skin. When it shut, the channel kindle because of bacteries and swell and the surface of the skin above it becomes red and swollen. Except hormonal there are more causes of pimples in organism like: tension, stress, neurosis, depresion, etc.
Even small number of pimples can be very disturbing experience because it appear in time when the look is very important. VITALIS with effective methods very successful and lastingly solve this problem. - BRONCHITISBRONCHITIS - with acupuncture the breathing is easier
On meridian of lungs there is point seven which is stimulating when cure bronchitis. At this occasion prostaglandin secrete and it spread bronchiums. The air comes to alveoluses where is performing purification and of course it is much easier to breathe.
With enough number of treatments bronchiums stays permanent cure. - CYSTSCYSTS-without cysts with Vitalis
The cysts are creation-little cavity full with fluency which can appear in every lifetime individually or in large number.
In Vitalis, except needle therapy, exists other methods-lasers. These “salutary machines” cure successful and painless and remove cysts and other growths. Laser beam have equal effect like needles. That is so-called painless acupuncture. - CELLULITCELLULIT-disease of beauty
One of the biggest woman’s concern, especially with surplus of kilogrammes, is cellulit. That is disease of connective tissue which is not a disease literally but it is huge aesthetic and psychological trouble.
That woman’s epidemic in fact are fat or spongy “small cushions” which appear on hips, thighs, neck, stomach.
As usual this therapy is working on causes. It regulates weak circulation and hormonal balance which begin because of excess of estrogen from puberty during the pregnancy and to climacteric. - DIABETESDIABETES-so much dangerous consequences
Initial stages are regulating with medicament and diets.In the third stage when sick man become slave of insulin acupuncture is becoming more than medicament. Acupuncture stimulating organism and determinate organs to regulate level of sugar.
For the difference of medicament these mechanism of organism usually becomes lasting remedy. - DIABETIC LEGSMOKING (DIABETIC) LEG
The reason for smoking leg is arteriosclerosis with the same symptoms as diabetic leg. The main raeson is of course NICOTINE and in case of diabetes it is increase of sugar level in blood. Syptoms showed on legs-on peripheral organs far-away from the heart.
Acupuncture very successfully cures dependence on nicotine and in that way it prevents destruction of arteriosclerosis on peripheral parts of body so-called smoking leg.
Also acupuncture very successfully regulates level of sugar in blood and it prevents destructive effect of diabetes as cause of diabetic leg. - ECZEMASECZEMAS
Eczemas are belonging in disorders of immunity which manifest with changes on the skin (red or reddish rashes with scurf skin over).
Acupuncture indicates on cause of eczemas and with the right choice of acupuncture’s points achieve drastic strenght of organism and remove cause with appearance of eczema. - FOBIASFOBIAS-or scare of scare
Scare of scare has it name and fotofobia is scare which is out of proportion of true danger.It seems that she is extend and maybe she expose man to danger. All fobias provocate very strong physiological reaction such as swoon,speed work of heart and difficult breathing.
Those are evident reasons to visit a doctor.
Fobia can cure. But cure is complex and long psychotherapy process. Acupuncture relaxs the patiente and make nervous system not to react drastic and step by step it moves to cure. - HEADACHEHEADACHE-needle is effectiv than remedy
There is no person who have not problem with headache. Every fourth European suffer from frequent or rare headaches. The causes are numerous and there are thousand of headache. But not types of headache. There are headache of different origin.Medicine divided headache on four types: MIGRAINE -the most often and very painful, the most frequent is so-called TENSION-pain includes the whole forehead, EYE-pain is intensive in eyehole, SINUS-pain above the eyebrow and around the eyes. Headaches are following some of diseases: hepatit, infections of lungs, disturbance in brewing, disease of kidney etc.
Experience of Vitalis about diagnostic and cure of headache by acupuncture is large. This therapy are not soothing symptoms like the other medicament. Instead of that this therapy enter in root of disease, in the cause and remove it successful.
Estrogen is maybe the most beautiful gift for woman-forever. Aim of estrogen is not to keep fertility. Instead of that the aim of estrogen is to keep femininity.
Estrogens do other functions outside the system for reproduction. It contributes to beauty and good looking. The quality of skin, hair, physical attractivness, shine if the eyes are in connection with the estrogen. It has influence on hypophysis and on the whole emotional life, the strenght of the spirit and resistance toward fatigue of course if it is in optimal quantity in organism.
VITALIS has very effective methods for keeping entire HORMONAL BALANCE on which depend many vital functions in organism so there is no need for hormonal therapy. - HEMIPLEGIAHEMIPLEGIA (paralysis half of body)
It begins as consequence of suffocate blood vessels in brain, blood clot or greasy embolus (consequence of facture or surgical intervention) and bloodless of that part of brain.
Acupuncture very successfully regulates died brain tissue or move functions of that parts of brain in direction of undamaged parts which take over their function. In that way half of body which is paralyse can establish its function - SCIATICASCIATICA - the longest pain
Sciatica is disease of the longest nerv in the organism. The cause of sciatica is moving of vertebras because of that it is coming to pressure on this nerv. The pain is extending along the nerv which come from the lower part of spine over hip and back side of thigh and under knee to the foot. Causes are numerous and there is many sick men.
Moxibutia is very effective for sciatica.
That is stimulation of acupuncture points with temperature which create with use of so-called “moksa wool”. Moksa wool is making from leaves of healthy grass which reminds on wormwood.
She warms and removes disturbances in meridians removing cold and dampness. That specific warmth and new energy which is creating give excellent results in cure sciatica. - STRENGHTEN OF IMMUNITYSTRENGHTEN OF IMMUNITY - half of health
The aim is to stay health, vital and cheer. For that we need immunity and for it antibodies.
Examinations showed drastic increas in number of antibodies in case of acupuncture treatment just like its aggressivness and resolution to fight against aggressor in organism. - BAD CIRCULATIONBAD CIRCULATION - good blood stream with VITALIS
Good blood stream is a half of healt. Blood is precious liquid in organism and to liquid tissue we must give more attention then other tissue.
Therapy of Vitalis are guiding on amelioration of blood stream or on recovering of all organs. - BAD CONCETRATIONBAD CONCETRATION
Bad concentration is loss of will, optimism, dementia and senility at old people etc.
With right stimulation of acupuncture’s points with needles, will and optimism are bringing back and as replacement there is KONCEVIT which successfully bring back concentration and all attributes of will and optimism. - FACE LIFTINGFACE LIFTING - health beauty in health spirit
During the years it is well known that the MEDICINE AESTHETIC is very successful in VITALIS.
We remove wrinkles and pimples and we do rejuvenation of skin. With acupuncture we remove from the root basic causes of conflicts in sphere of women emotions. Neither beauty nor health are on the surface on our skin. It can be in ourselves.
Beautiful woman in healthy body that is well known. But modernize antique proverb about spirit and body says: HEALTH BEAUTY-IN HEALTH SPIRIT. - MIGRAINEMIGRAINE - science without medicament-lasting cure
Migraine is recognizing by pain which is localize in one half of head and with strong sickness with instinct for vomit. The first description of migraine derived from the second century when Galen gave its clinical describe and he apart it from general group of haedaches. Medicine till now is not solvee all of her secret but main reasons are “some disturbance” in blood and circulation in the brain. On that basic acupuncture cure this disease removing tha cause which is spasm of the blood vessels.
During the therapy it is prove the secretion of endomorphine which almost take away pain. Headache and migraine stay the most wide-spread PAIN of mankind and old as the civilization.
Because of that acupuncture is the winner against pain. - MYOMASMYOMAS - with VITALIS woman is health.
Two medicines in Vitalis take care of most problems at woman. Vitalis have modern lasers in srevice of painless acupuncture and these lasers are very effective at removing myomas withuot operation. - NIGHT URINATE AT CHILDRENNIGHT URINATE AT CHILDREN
This phenomenon at children after the age of fourth is called ENUREZIS NOCTURNA (urinate during the sleep).
This phenomenon is complex especial by its causes and it can be detailed theme. The parents should know more about it. But medical experts are necessary too.
Modern medicine is achieving results but this medicine is also admit that night urinate cure now much effective with Chinese therapy.
This is real experience of our Center. The patientes are from 5 to 14 years old. This is the patientes at which the other methods didn’t give the results. - NEUROSISNEUROSIS
Fears, anxieties, neurosis, stresses and depresions are consequences of modern life and “these times” at which ACUPUNCTURE force the body to fight this disease all alone and with success.
In basic of Chinese medicine is philosophy and next expirience:
The body can be completely health without appropriate health “soul”. The Chinese needles achieve this.
- FACIAL NEUROLOGY NEURALGIA (facialis, trigeminus)
This is painful syndrome half of a face and began because incurable inflammation of nervs (for example: incurable inflammation of ear, tooth, etc.) where analgesics (tablets against pain) are not helping.
Acupuncture very successfully remove pain of neuralgia and completely cure inflammation of nerv which is cause of neuralgia of facial and trigeminus. - NEUROLOGY OF TRIGEMINUS NEURALGIA (facialis, trigeminus)
This is painful syndrome half of a face and began because incurable inflammation of nervs (for example: incurable inflammation of ear, tooth, etc.) where analgesics (tablets against pain) are not helping.
Acupuncture very successfully remove pain of neuralgia and completely cure inflammation of nerv which is cause of neuralgia of facial and trigeminus. - LOOSING THE HABIT OF SMOKINGLOOSING THE HABIT OF SMOKING
Modern medicine has some methods but remedy against smoking has never found. But world’s well-known institutes are prooving that ACUPUNCTURE is very successful in cure of these disease (smoking, alcoholism, excessive food).
The body fights the battle all alone against nicotine toxicomania with help of stimulation of acupuncture points. - LOOSING HAIRPo kineskom hiljadugodišnjem iskustvu opadanje kose je proces iznutra, u telu.Disharmonija funkcija pojedinih organa, dakle, blaži je poremećaj, a ne bolest.
Kineska metoda, aktivirajući prave akupunkturne tačke meridijana bubrega, debelog creva, pluća i jetre, podstiče njihov rad na izlučivanju toksina i drugih otrova koji su onaj pravi uzrok opadanja kose. - PSORIASISPSORIASIS - disease of skin
Psoriasis is typical disease called lichen and it means dry and scaly peeling of skin.
If disease is superannuated or if it took the upper hand it is coming to pain disturbances because the skin become dry and inelastic.
Acupuncture is very beneficial and this therapy does not soothe symptoms as other medicament. Instead of that it is getting into the root of disease. - EXTENDED CAPILLARIESEXTENDED CAPILLARIES - red thin veins
Skin mottled with bluish and red thin veins is not just aesthetic problem. Capillaries are the least thin veins which connect the smallest arteries and veins. They have very important role in blood stream because thank to them oxygen and other nutritive matters come to different tissues.
When you can see capilaries and veins on the skin it is the sign that they partly lost their functionalism.
Acupuncture in VITALIS is very successful in removing extended capilaries. - SMOKING LEGSMOKING (DIABETIC) LEG
The reason for smoking leg is arteriosclerosis with the same symptoms as diabetic leg. The main raeson is of course NICOTINE and in case of diabetes it is increase of sugar level in blood. Syptoms showed on legs-on peripheral organs far-away from the heart.
Acupuncture very successfully cures dependence on nicotine and in that way it prevents destruction of arteriosclerosis on peripheral parts of body so-called smoking leg.
Also acupuncture very successfully regulates level of sugar in blood and it prevents destructive effect of diabetes as cause of diabetic leg. - PARESISPARESIS
Paresis are partial paralyze of parts of body. The most often form of paresis is paralysis of certain muscles on the face without any pain. The causes of paresis are virus infections of certain nerv which controle the group of muscles.
With acupuncture it is possible to remove paresis completely in the first two months of its effect. In all other cases it can be soothe in a large percentage.
We have to point out cases of babies which are birth with birth traumas of their mother.In that cases paresis of plexus or nervus radialis always begin and babies can’t move certain parts of body (legs or arms).
With right acupuncture treatment paresis of any parts of body is removing 100% and very easy. - PARALYSISPARALYSIS
Paralysis mean that the parts of body are complete paralysed. The most often form is paralysis of extremities (legs or arms) without any pain. With acupuncture it is possible to stimulate nervous endings which lost their function and in that way they paralyze some parts of body.
By numerous acupuncture treatments it can be establish brake connection between nervous endings and it can come to amelioration and in some cases to complete cure paralysed parts of body. - RHEUMATIC DISEASE RHEUMATIC DISEASE - make man almost a cripple
Patients went upright after treatment in VITALIS.
Medicament cures but acupuncture heals. And again cures cause. Harmless rheumatism becomes chronic. Then it is difficult even to Chinese needle and to patient. - SPONDILOSISSPONDILOSIS
As more years we have “on back” it is bigger chance that on our spine appears bony “beaks”. They are indicators of spondilosis which follows pain at sitting, getting up, walking etc.
Today acupuncture is still the only method for successful victory above pain and spondilosis is just one of diseases which cure in VITALIS by healing the cause of pian.
- SINUSITISSINUSITIS - the big trouble
Sinusitis is very serious disease.
It is boring but it is not passing fast.
It is curable if it is not pass into chronic when it becomes trouble for all life. - STOMACHIC TROUBLES STOMACHIC TROUBLES - health spirit in health stomach
Chinese concept by which disease is coming from disarrange balance Yin and Yang in body is getting on significance because modern science affirms practically the same: and here is disorder of balance but of nervous system which is consequence of stress in modern life.
In cure of abscess by acupuncture in basis is cure of disorders of balance-causes. - STERILITYSTERILITY
And for this sickness always have exit in ancient Chinese medicine. Of course it is about so-called functional sterility (without organic changes).
Disorder is on relation of crust of the brain and ovaries and other brain stations such as hypophysis, thyroid and adrenal gland and others.
This disorder can be removed by stimulation of right acupuncture points.
That is the great gift of ancient medicine for thousand of women which basic biological function consists of almost sick wish-to have a child. - WEAK PHYSICAL CONDITIONWEAK PHYSICAL CONDITION
Acupuncture takes care of everything that is health and later it cures and mankind owe to her.
Acupuncture is PREVENTION.
Acupuncture is strenghtening imminity because acupuncture’s treatments increase the number of leukocytes the main defense for 150%.
“INTERIOR MEDIC” becomes effective by our special method -VITALISATION which increases entire PHYSICAL and PSYCHIC resistance of organism. - STIFFNESSSTIFFNESS
At diseases with strong pains and stiffness medicament are misuse and because of that it comes to harmful consequences to organism.
Because of that acupuncture is recommending as therapy which give exceptional results and for acute and for chronic phases of disease.
We are assure long time ago that this therapy, when it is in a good arms, is the most effective against the pain. Of course it is effective in cure of causes. - OBESITYOBESITY-eating and loosing weight
The diets are popular but they have short breath. Acupuncture with professional choice of acupuncture’s points stimulate lasting regulation of appetite, it normalize secretion of digestive tract and get patient in condition of psychic balance and he become ready on perseverance.
Beside acupuncture therapy with herbs is also popular. Vitalis has tablets for loosing weight - SLIM natural preparation for loosing weight.
SLIM TABLETS are innocuous and they reduce appetite and speed metabolism. It can be use by children, wet nurse and pregnant women. - HIGH BLOOD PRESSUREHIGH BLOOD PRESSURE - dangerous factor of risk
At well-known causes such as diseases of heart, kidney, stress…acupuncture cures and always cures the causes.
When cause is unknown and in the question is so-called essential high pressure which is dangerous enemy Chinese needles in VITALIS is getting it into balance very successfully. - DOING REVITALISATION VITALISATION - or the second rest in VITALIS
Vitalisation is our special method for complete relaxation of entire organism.
She induces mechanisms which nature already give to man and with awake of that sleepy systems, of course with ACUPUNCTURE, it is establishing again those balance in organism which obvious is disturb man with his way of life.